31st March English and Natural Science

Difference Between Physical And Chemical Change With Examples


Let´s work on the Dictation you did on Friday or yesterday.

1. Underline the words you didnot write properly.

2. Copy them  five times properly.
3. Write three sentences. You can include more than one missspelled word in each sentence. (My beautiful aunt bakes delicious pastries)
4. Copy the dictation again without any spelling mistakes, be very very careful please.

Last Sunday my family and I came back from our trip to France. My aunt and uncle live in Paris so we visited them for a week. While we were there the weather was beautiful and we could walk the streets and eat outside. It was early July so it was sunny and never cool. I was able to only wear a t-shirt with jeans and sneakers. Most mornings the six of us in the house would wake up around half past nine and go to a cafe. The cafe we went to had some of the best pastries I’d ever tasted. Later we would usually eat lunch by the river at around half past one. In the afternoons we would go to museums or parks. One evening we ate dinner at a very nice restaurant and we stayed out until half past twelve.


 Read pages 70 an 71 and listen at the same time Alex´s  audio :audio pages 70, 71

Now watch these videos to learn more about Physical and chemical changes in matter:
