1. 🔉👄 let´s do the routines with Alex. Press 👉video
Today we are going to learn how to make "Tag questions"
"Tag questions" are short questions that we put at the end of a statement (sentence). We use them when we want someone to confirm or agree with something that we think is true. When the statement is positive its tag question is negative. For example. "It is a wonderful day". Isn´t it? En español diríamos "Hace un día precioso, ¿verdad?
Or the other way around, when the statement is negative its tag question is positive. example:"It is not a wonderful day". Is it? En español diríamos: "No hace un día bonito, ¿verdad?"
2. Watch these tutorials in order to learn how and when to use "tag questions"
🔊 Whole explanations
🔊 Simple Video about "Tag question"
🔊 Tutorial "Tag Question"
Pupil´s book page 124
3. Read the first paragrah several times, you will check what you have seen on the videos.☝
Activity book page 71 an 72
4. To check what we have learnt about "questions tags", do exercise number 1.
5. Now let´s change gears. Let´s work a little bit with vocabulary. Go to page 72 and do exercises 1 and 2.
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