15th May English

Word design for english with many children Vector Image


Good morning kids!!!
1. 🎧 👄 Let´s start with the routines,
 click 👉 Routines with Kappa

Pupil´s book
Page 86
Link to page 86, song and questions
2. 🎧 Listen to the song, if you don´t know the meaning of the " bold letters" "palabras en negrita" look up in the dictionary to learn the meaning and  add them to your "picture dictionary".

3.  Exercise 2. Answer the questions and write just the answer on your notebook as usual.

Friday 15th May 2020
 Pupil´s book pag 86 
exercise 2:
1. The heavy suitcase is purple

Activity book

4.   Pages 84 exercicies 1, 2 and 3 
5.  and page 85 You will review  with all the exercises the Past Participles
