27th May Wednesday

English Numbers 1-99 - Ficha interactiva


1. Rutines with kappa 
click 👉 Routines with Kappa

2. Activity book

2.1. Page 95 exercise 1 and 2 let´s review the new vocabulary from this topic.

Let´s use the Future tenses with these exercises:

2.2 Page 96, exercise 1,  

2.3 Page 97 exercises 1 and 2

2.4 Page 98 exercise 1

2.5 Page 99 exercises 1 and 2

3. REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES:The following interactive exercises are for those who still have problems with the spelling of numbers. I can check every time we meet on the videocall that you are forgetting the spelling of numbers!!!
so practice with these activities. It will take you just a fex minutes.

Remember from 13 to 19 they finish with  "teen", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen" "eighteen", "nineteen"!!!

Have fun with these interactive games!!!

Game numbers 11-20

Game numbers-10-100

Exercises/vocabulary numbers up to 20


Numbers 1-20 audio crossword

4. This is an EXTENSION ACTIVITY (Actividad de ampliación) just for those students who want to keep working and  
having fun with English
Listen to this story:
A baker´s Dozen Story
